Beacon Hill Data Insights

Our team collects and curates both industry and Beacon Hill performance data to help you make informed choices for contract staffing, contract staffing, direct hire and executive search.

AI & Jobs - Factors pushing adoption for employers and job seekers

Artificial intelligence (AI) is reshaping the hiring process, offering unparalleled efficiency for job seekers and employers. Yet, this innovation brings its own set of unique challenges. Explore the full story in our latest report.

Industry wages & job fluctuations

  • +2.48%

    annual change in wages

  • -14.69%

    quarterly change in jobs

Monthly Beacon Hill statistics

Our ongoing report provides a monthly snapshot of statistics from Beacon Hill dating back to 2009. Specifically, it covers Division-based Consolidated Monthly Post-Recession Job Indexes, Monthly Recession Cycle Job Indexes and Monthly Recession Cycle Placement Indexes.

Beacon Hill sector-specific data

Choose a staffing path and one of our Beacon Hill specialty Divisions from the list to see historical wage increases.

Beacon Hill jobs & placements

*new jobs % change represents the number of new jobs added over trailing three months compared to three-month period 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, or 12 months earlier, where change is represented as a percentage.

**monthly job and placement indices examine new job orders and placements, respectively, during the month compared to June 2009, taking new operations and company growth into account, by representing job orders and placements proportionally based upon the number of business units in operation for each month.

***average wages for calendar year 2006 is baseline. Percent change for each year thereafter is percent change of yearly wages for such year over baseline of 2006.

All statistics and percentages are based on Beacon Hill's actual results across specialty divisions and office locations throughout the country. Although instructive, because Beacon Hill is a growing company with regions, markets, divisions, and practices at varying stages of maturity, such data is not necessarily reflective of the broader United States economic and employment markets.