Blake Kessler

Division Manager

headshot of Blake Kessler

Blake is the Division Manager for in the Chicago Finance Temp Division. Joining Beacon Hill in 2016, Blake came to Beacon Hill after 4 years as a Financial Analyst. Originally referred to Beacon Hill as a candidate by his step mom, and current Beacon Hiller Jane Pollard (St. Louis  – Finance Perm). Blake has held numerous positions at the company including: Staffing Consultant/Sr. Staffing Consultant, Sr. Managing Consultant, Account Executive/Lead Account Executive and Division Manager. He attributes his success to having a ‘ high motor’, being a ‘machine’ at the desk. A fierce competitor that not only competes with other staffing firms, but competes with himself. Blake is a graduate from the University of Missouri and in his free time he enjoys playing in multiple softball leagues, tending to his +25 house plants, and obsessing over his cat. 

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