BH Legal™ Case Study

Complex Managed Review Leveraging Multiple Laws, Languages, and Location


Our corporate client, a Fortune 100 international financial institution, sought assistance with a large-scale international internal investigation. The investigation covered custodians in multiple countries, languages, and several outside counsel teams. Our client held a complex review with data consisting of documents, audio, and chats. The matter involved numerous custodians in different countries with different time zones, under different laws, and speaking different languages. Furthermore, the client needed assistance determining the best approach on reviewing the large volume of data.


Beacon Hill Legal staffed a team of highly trained reviewers and a project management team to facilitate and direct the review. Our team evaluated the data and made recommendations to the client on review strategies and processes. We worked together with the client to develop the final strategy. The review was subsequently scaled across different markets to accommodate the client’s multiple locations, time zones, languages, and budget constraints, while considering the intense volume of data collected.

The Results

The client complied and produced all documents requested as part of the investigation and maximized our team’s skills and abilities by focusing on the most relevant information while also leveraging the different languages, locations, time zones, laws, and regulations.​