BH Technologies™ Case Study

Technology Consultant Staffing


Our client, a California university and major academic health center, needed technology consultants to fill a wide array of skill sets.


Beacon Hill Technologies was selected to provide the university with information technology consultants in the Sacramento area. As a result of our success placing technology consultants over the past four years, we continue to serve as a partner to the university. Our current consultants are working predominately within network infrastructure where they are providing helpdesk support, desktop support, network operations and engineering, telecommunications, mobile support and training, facility, and audio-visual (AV) support. Examples include:

• IT desktop support technicians (October 2018 to current)
• Network operations consultant (January 2018 to current)
• Telecommunications / facilities technician (November 2018 to current)
• Mobile technicians (January 2019 to current)
• Helpdesk support technician (August 2017 to current)